A contracting method gaining popularity is Design-Build construction. Design-Build can save cost and time for business owners. Whereas the traditional Design-Bid-Build process separates design and construction, Design-Build provides a single point of responsibility for an entire project.
Instead of the owner contracting separately with the architect and the contractor, Design-Build typically ties the architect contractually to the builder. The contractor then enters into a Design-Build contract with the owner. The owner now deals with just one entity, the Design-Build team, and not each one separately.
Design-Build enhances the opportunity for improved coordination between the designers and contractors, more efficient and constructible designs, economies of time and cost and a potentially greater overall team approach.
Similar to Construction Manager at Risk, Design-Build enhances the opportunity for improved coordination between the designers and constructors, more efficient and constructible designs, economies of time and cost, and a potentially greater overall team approach.
Value analysis and constructability review are enhanced and utilized continuously throughout the project duration. The early involvement of the design-build team is essential in maximizing the full potential of the design-build delivery system. Decisions that can be made during the programming, concept and design phases will impact the schedule and costs of the project more than any other phase of construction.
With a Design-Build project, design and construction for a project can easily overlap, allowing for fast-track construction. The owner benefits from this shortened time frame because construction costs can be reduced and the new building will be available for use sooner.